Job Seach Resources Help for Science-y, Communications-y Type Jobs
December 20, 2013 2:00 PM

I'm looking for some help finding job search resources for a field that, at least as far as I know, doesn't have a super specific name. I'm interested in looking for communications-y type jobs that are specifically in science-y environments or that work with science-y content. Bonus points for resources specific to Washington, DC or Baltimore.

So far I've been looking at more general job search things like Idealist, Higher Ed Jobs, HERC, and Jobwonk. I've also been trying to Google around and find other just neat organizations that I'm familiar with and checking their jobs pages. At least in DC, it seems like a ton of the job search websites are very Hill focused.

I'm currently in the DC area, but for future reference as well, are there other more specialized sources I should be looking at like science communications listservs, LinkedIn groups, DC-based professional associations? What sort of key terms or job titles should I be looking for (things like "communications associate")?

I'm currently early career and working in the communications department at a large association. I like my job- some writing, press releases, building distribution lists, doing lots of coverage analysis and writing reports- but I think I'd be much more professionally satisfied working on projects that are more more in line with my own interests.
posted by forkisbetter to Work & Money (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Memail me.
posted by kat518 at 3:12 PM on December 20, 2013

I don't have any particular openings in mind, but HHMI is based in Chevy Chase just off the metro and has a research site in northern Virginia. I'm a scientist at the latter site, but they seem to respect and treat well everyone who works for them, as well as having the funds to hire people in a variety of roles. Give their job openings list a look if it isn't on the main sites you're searching.
posted by Schismatic at 5:03 PM on December 20, 2013

Check out
posted by cgs06 at 5:24 AM on December 21, 2013

There is also a DC chapter of NASW -- ! They keep both freelance and staff listservs open to members, I believe. Great for networking, etc. too.

Because there are a ton of scientific societies and health advocacy groups w offices in DC, you may want to check their individual websites for job listings in the areas of science you are interested in. Also look into openings at comm offices for local universities with research programs (eg, GWU) And the HHMI suggestion above is a good one too.

As for government jobs, you can set up alerts on USAJOBS for technical writer, public affairs/health communications specialist, and things in that 'series', limited to the science-supporting agencies that interest you most. There are also many contracting companies that work for the government -- I have seen such listings come over the DCSWA listservs as well (or they've specifically emailed me from their members list)

Contrary to the composition of this reply (sorry, tired, on long bus ride) I work in this field in the DC area so feel free to follow up here or memail if helpful.
posted by NikitaNikita at 4:21 PM on December 21, 2013

Memail me, and I can put you in touch with the good doctor, who works in science policy and communications in DC.
posted by evoque at 6:36 PM on December 22, 2013

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