Best book on art deco or architecture in Mexico City
November 25, 2013 11:16 PM

Am looking for a book recommendation or three. I am really getting into the architecture of Mexico City but I really don't know all that much about architecture, particularly Mexican architecture. I'm not much into colonial or contemporary stuff but everything in-between, from the Porfiriato French Empire stuff to the 1960s, and particularly the Art Deco and Art Noveau periods and whatever it is that came just before. Amazon is kind of skimpy with recommendations. So anybody read any really great books on either Art Deco architecture, Art Noveau architecture, Mexico City architecture, 20th century architecture, or one of these art movements as a whole if they are really good? Preferably in English, but Spanish would be good too.
posted by pynchonesque to Media & Arts 3 users marked this as a favorite
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