Now I see it, now I don't: website edition.
September 3, 2013 8:32 PM   Subscribe

I have 6 websites on the same server with the same IP and the same server configuration, yet I can see just four of them via the address bar; two I can only see if I use a proxy server to browse to them. I have tried flushing the IP, to no avail - is there something else I can do myself, or should I file a ticket with my semi-helpful webhost because this is a server problem?
posted by deliriouscool to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Is your proxy server using the same DNS service as your own PC? This sounds like a DNS problem - the IP resolves just fine but mapping domain to IP fails. Are the two you are having trouble with recently created relative to the other four? Remember that DNS entries can take time to propagate.
posted by Inspector.Gadget at 8:40 PM on September 3, 2013

Standard checklist: has the domain registration expired? Are their DNS entries properly set? Is your local DNS properly set?

Do you have a terminal / command line where you can run 'whois' to make sure that you have a registrar entry for the domains, and 'dig' to see whether the missing sites resolve to their proper IPs from where you are? You can do that via the web, but the fact that you're able to access the sites via a proxy suggests that there's a difference between local and remote.

If you're on a standard broadband DHCP connection where your ISP assigns DNS automatically, try switching to something like Google's public DNS or OpenDNS -- either on your local machine or the modem/router -- and see if that makes a difference.
posted by holgate at 8:43 PM on September 3, 2013

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