Potential issues with importing a Wii U from UK to Australia?
September 1, 2013 4:58 PM

If I were to import a Wii U from the UK to Australia, what problems might I face? Inability to access bundled downloads?

Nintendo have announced a damned attractive Zelda-themed Wii U bundle in the UK and US but not in Australia (for now - future announcements might make this moot). I'm investigating importing one from Game or Amazon (or whoever) but am unclear on what problems I might face.

1) The bundle comes with a downloadable version of Wind Waker HD (not a disc), would I be out of luck trying to redeem that code here in Australia?

2) Nintendo region locks their recent hardware, but to my knowledge UK and Australia are in the same region anyway. Am I correct here?

3) Unknown unknowns? I'd love to hear if there is anything I just haven't even considered.

I'm hoping someone has some experience with exactly this scenario (UK->Australia) but admittedly there's rarely a need for this kind of thing. I'd love to hear from anyone who did something similar.
posted by dumbland to Technology (1 answer total)
You'll need to convert the plug on the end of the power adaptor, as UK plugs look different from Australian plugs. You can pick up something on eBay for under $5, or try your local Dick Smith store.

A quick search brought up a couple of comment threads that might be of interest to you: Brits Abroad | Yahoo! Answers | Vooks. Sounds like you're not the first person to do this.
posted by Georgina at 7:31 PM on September 1, 2013

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