hepatitis A vaccine in seattle?
August 23, 2013 9:29 PM

Where can I pay ~$50 and get a Hepatitis A vaccine in Seattle on a Saturday? I'm near 1st and Virginia.

I just flew into Seattle tonight from the East Coast, and I've learned that there's a slight chance I was exposed to Hepatitis A in NYC. I'm near the tail end of where a vaccine would prevent it, if I was truly exposed, so this is getting a little silly. But, is there a relatively simple way to make this happen tomorrow? Where would you go/what would you do if you were me? I'm rather discombobulated from travel and will probably still be discombobulated tomorrow.
posted by zeek321 to Health & Fitness (6 answers total)
Walgreen's offers Hepatitis A vaccines. You can find a Seattle location here.
posted by pecanpies at 9:58 PM on August 23, 2013

Forgot to add: Here is a price list. Looks like the hepatitis A vaccine is $108.99 per dose (it's a 2-dose series).

I'd also explain your situation to the pharmacist and ask for their advice regarding whether or not it'd be worth it to get the vaccine at this point.
posted by pecanpies at 10:00 PM on August 23, 2013

Some Bartell's locations also offer hep-A vaccines.

King County's travel immunizations website also might be of use.
posted by hattifattener at 10:15 PM on August 23, 2013

I also found this urgent care in Queen Anne. Their price list doesn't have a listing for the Hep A vaccine, but they do mention they offer travel vaccines. They're also open from 8am-8pm on Saturday (and every other day). Worth a phone call, at least.
posted by pecanpies at 10:25 PM on August 23, 2013

You're really close, a few blocks, to a Walgreens on 222 Pike St, 2nd And Pike. 206-903-8392 Then dink around in Pike Place Market because it's fun.

There's a Bartell's Drugs at 5th Ave and ...Olive? Stewart? I forget. It's right near the terminus of the monorail tracks. (206) 622-0581 Store (206) 622-0582 Rx

My neighborhood, Queen Anne, has a 24-hour Bartell's ((206) 284-1353 Store (206) 284-1354 Rx) which doesn't mean 24-hour vaccinations but it can mean that they're a bit of a flagship store for the city. Take the D-Rapidride Bus (high-frequency bus which should be every 15 minutes during the day on Saturday, $2.25, get a transfer good for 2 hours). It runs on 3rd Ave-- look for the big red bus, and MeFi while you're onboard with free WiFi. Pass the Space Needle by a couple stops, disembark on Mercer Street and walk east towards, then above, Metropolitan Market. Urgent Care is in the same block, just across the upper parking lot, about 50 feet from the Bartell's. The bus is on one-way streets at that point, so the bus that came up 1st Ave N goes back down on Queen Anne Ave. Look for the bus-stop by the Kidd Valley (burger joint); it's visible from the stop off at which you got. Have some Pagliacci's Pizza or some cajun food at Toulouse Petit (same intersection), and then have a nice ride home.

Good luck, and welcome to Seattle.
posted by Sunburnt at 11:23 PM on August 23, 2013

Thank you, everyone!!!
posted by zeek321 at 11:27 PM on August 23, 2013

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