Jade bangles in London?
July 23, 2013 7:34 AM

Please can you suggest a good place to buy jade bangles in London?

I think it's time I replace the jade bangle that I broke 18 years ago, but have no immediate plans to go back to Hong Kong. Do you know of anywhere that has a good reputation for good quality jade? I'd like to be able to see one in the flesh before I spend my money.
posted by calico to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (1 answer total)
Just in case anyone else looking for a jade bangle in London ever stumbles across this: I bought one today, in Dao, a shop in Greenwich market. They don't have a very wide selection and I wouldn't want to argue the merits of my purchase with someone who really understands jade but I'm very happy. Against the even unlikelier event that someone else is looking for a jade bangle in London right now, Dao have a 30%-off jade sale on.
posted by calico at 2:35 PM on November 10, 2013

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