Can you sell the opportunity to post ads on a private facebook group?
June 29, 2013 12:30 PM

A professional association (non-profit) of which I am a member has a private facebook group and a dead-tree newsletter. Advertising a job opportunity in the newsletter costs a few tens of dollars. The association wants to include the advert on the Facebook group as part of that fee, and prevent anyone posting a vacancy on Facebook unless they pay the same fee. Aside from its innate stupidity (these jobs are always on mailing lists, LinkedIn, twitter and so on anyway) this feels to me like it must be in breach of Facebook's TOS somehow. But googling "pay to advertise|post| on facebook" just leads to SEO-marketing hell, and it would be a real shame if the organisation gets its group banned or closed. Does anyone have any idea if this is a legitimate thing to do?
posted by cromagnon to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Not sure about the legitimacy, but another option for them would be to post the classifieds on their website, and then use facebook to crosspromote their website. Posting to facebook with a link to the classifieds page on their website.
posted by hydra77 at 12:59 PM on June 29, 2013

It does violate the TOS, section IIIA: "Third-party advertisements on Pages are prohibited, without our prior permission."

A better option would be hydra77's suggestion - post the ads on their website and link to the website from Facebook. You can include a cost for "social media marketing" of the classified in the fee.
posted by peanut_mcgillicuty at 7:12 PM on June 29, 2013

Create a branded image of some kind that says "Job Alert" or whatever is appropriate for your group and then post the picture with the description being the job listing or a brief summary of the job and a link to the job listing. This way people will learn to recognize this content and distinguish it from your other posts.

It won't look like a Facebook ad, but that would be a good thing because people will be less likely to tune it out. Facebook doesn't have to know you're getting paid for that. Plus it's not technically an advertisement, it's content.

Although if this is something people are doing informally and for free, you're going to irritate people if you start cracking down on them sharing postings with the group without paying. Might be better to just say that newsletter listings include social media promotion and raise the price a bit.
posted by Colonel_Chappy at 4:24 PM on July 1, 2013

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