Software/Tech Company MVP Program Examples?
June 19, 2013 10:31 AM

I'm in charge of launching the MVP program for the software company I work for and am looking to find great examples of how other software/tech companies do this. Microsoft is the primary one people point to, but what about Google, Apple and other successful organizations in the space with passionate users?

We have an incredibly vibrant user base at the company I work for and we want to roll out a solid MVP program that does more than just hand out t-shirts. The power users in our community are generous and kind individuals that spend hours and hours helping new users purely for the sake of being supportive and we want to recognize that.

What are some great examples of other tech companies that do this in a public way? Beyond Microsoft, the SalesForce MVP program seems to be the only other highly visible one I can find.

Does anyone out their having experience either starting one of these programs or being a member of such a program?

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
posted by Smarson to Technology (6 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I think what you are looking for is Community Management Best Practices and Community Management Reward Best Users.

Great links that I quickly found using these search terms:

Best Buy
Quest Software

It sure looks as though simple recognition, though cheap, is highly valued by super users, doesn't it?
posted by rada at 10:51 AM on June 19, 2013

Google has a program for "Developers Expert" (sic)
posted by gregjones at 10:57 AM on June 19, 2013

Check out the MVP program. You can be an MVP by participating in the community, user groups, presenting at the annual conference. I also approve of the folks they've named as MVP's, so they must be doing something right.
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 11:01 AM on June 19, 2013

@gregjones - That's Exactly the type of thing I was looking for! Thanks!!

@Ruthless Bunny - Love the SalesForce example. It's one I've been pouring over and I'm glad to hear that you approve of their selection criteria.

@rada - Thanks for the links. The program we're actually looking to set up is recognizing elite product and community involvement for a select few and less of an overall community rewards program (which we kind of already have). Jive has great stuff here though and the info. is great.
posted by Smarson at 11:16 AM on June 19, 2013

It sure looks as though simple recognition, though cheap, is highly valued by super users, doesn't it?

I just wanted to expand on this. Indeed it is. It's an item on your resume, and a good one because if an enterprise is adopting new software, they want to hire people who not only SAY that they're good with it, but can actually prove it. (Because they have no fucking clue how to judge such a thing.)

Also, in the case of, you get fun perks at Dreamforce, special parties, tskhochkes, and good times.

It also puts you in exhalted company. You rub shoulders with the guys who really know shit. You also get access to developers, if an MVP is offering an idea, it would be a good idea to act upon it.

An MVP designation is worth at least $20K more to your annual salary, and it makes your life easier in SO many ways!
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 11:31 AM on June 19, 2013

@Ruthless - I think you've hit it right on the head here. The program we want to build is about making sure the world knows how incredible these elite users are. Not just in a "we love you thanks" kind of way, but in a "hey companies, these folks are the best of the best and if you want them, you should be willing to shell out the $$$."

The in-person recognition at our customer conference on the keynote stage, the special access parties, the super exclusive and coveted tskhochkies, etc. is also a core part of what I want to put in place. I love how SalesForce does this and hands out those red shoulder bags so that wherever an MVP goes, people know that they're in the presence of a Jedi level user and contributor.
posted by Smarson at 12:01 PM on June 19, 2013

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