Weird sensation in my arms on awakening
April 17, 2013 4:18 PM   Subscribe

Recently, I have been having an odd sensation in both arms as I am waking up in the morning. I will be lying in bed, gradually waking up and will suddenly notice this sensation in both arms. It lasts a few seconds - just long enough for me to notice, wonder about it and then it goes away. The feeling is hard to describe. It is on the inside, not on the skin. It seems to be specific, in a long section of the arms, maybe moving downward. If you told me that it was my veins dilating or contracting, I would believe you. It is NOT dull, diffuse, achy, tingling or painful. It reminds me a time several years ago when I experienced very intense physical anxiety one night that moved in waves through my body, except that I am not particularly anxious these days, it is localized in the arms, and it last for only 3-5 seconds. Any ideas?
posted by metahawk to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Do you suffer from sleep paralysis?
I kind of recall a weird sensation in my arms when I had sleep paralysis sometimes as a kid. Specifically I remember thinking that I couldn't pick up a pillow that had fallen on the floor. Of course that may have been the "paralysis" bit rather than something to do with my arms, but it did stick in my mind...
That's all I got.
posted by 8k at 5:19 AM on April 18, 2013

Could it be your blood pressure rising as you wake up?
posted by cryptozoology at 5:49 AM on April 18, 2013

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