Garden of Lost Fruit?
March 30, 2013 4:22 AM   Subscribe

In The Fruit Hunters by Adam Gollner, he mentions "Bologna's Garden of Lost Fruit" as a fruit-focused tourist destination (p. 35). Googling for this name only brings up a Google Books snippet of the book, and trying to translate it to Italian doesn't seem to give anything useful either. What is this place called in Italian, and where can I find it?
posted by Yiggs to Travel & Transportation around Bologna, Italy (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

Best answer: It looks like it might be the sentiero dei frutti perduti which appears to be in Alfero, Verghereto, which is in the same province as Bologna (Emila-Romagna), but about 90 km away.
posted by Azara at 7:59 AM on March 30, 2013

Best answer: And this, which seems to be announcing the opening of the same site Il “Sentiero dei frutti perduti” says that it is part of una Rete dei Frutteti della
, a network of biodiversity orchards in the region, and lists them as il Frutteto del Palazzino nel Parco Villa Ghigi di Bologna, la Cattedrale delle Foglie e delle Piante Contadine di Cesenatico, il Giardino del Frutti per non dimenticare di Gattatico (RE),
presso il Museo Cervi, il Frutteto degli Estensi di Ferrara, il Sentiero dei Frutti Perduti di Alfero, nel comune di Verghereto (FC), dove sono conservati i frutti antichi di alta quota, i Frutti delle Mura presso la sede Arpa di Piacenza.

So if someone was writing about Bologna itself, it may be the gardens of the Villa Ghigi that they were thinking of. (A 2012 opening for the Alfero site sounds a bit recent to have made it into books).
posted by Azara at 8:13 AM on March 30, 2013

Response by poster: Great answers, thanks! No idea how to verify if these are what the author meant, but I'm really interested in both. Thanks!
posted by Yiggs at 7:58 AM on March 31, 2013

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