Car camping in Algonquin
March 27, 2013 5:48 AM   Subscribe

My partner, our dog, and I will be spending 5 nights camping in Algonquin this August. Which of the campgrounds along the Highway 60 corridor has the best hiking trails? As an example of our 'skill level', we really enjoyed the Bruce Trail around Cyprus Lake campground in the Bruce Peninsula.

We know that the Algonquin backcountry is vast and gorgeous, but we're not really at the point where we're confident planning a backcountry hiking trip (especially with our 2 year old chocolate lab who lacks any sense of self preservation and whom we'd have to watch like hawks the entire time). So, we're looking for the campground with the best day trips!
posted by torisaur to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Read this first, especially the part at the bottom.
posted by Sys Rq at 8:19 AM on March 27, 2013

Response by poster: Thanks Sys Rq, the rules for pets are pretty much the same for all Ontario Provincial Parks. I'm familiar with them and the appropriate precautions :)
posted by torisaur at 1:31 PM on March 27, 2013

I went years ago with my lab and think we stayed at Lake of the Two Rivers. To be honest I don't remember the hiking much but wanted to point out our favorite day trip: driving to another lake where the three of us (ex, me, dog) got fitted for life vests, rented a canoe, picked a spot on a vast lake, and were dropped off there by a boat carrying multiple groups and canoes. They picked us up a few hours later, after we'd thoroughly explored that branch of the lake. If not for the black flies (my poor dog!) it would have been utterly magical.
posted by ImproviseOrDie at 2:43 AM on March 28, 2013

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