Give me your online clothes shopping gems!
March 22, 2013 8:00 PM   Subscribe

I wanna do some online clothes shopping - please recommend your favorite quirky, trendy, CHEAP places to buy women's clothes online.

Please share your favorite places to shop for clothes online - budget is a main concern, so I'm looking for places that have great deals, but then, I will splurge for something truly awesome. I am female, late 20's, though I think I tend to dress young for my age. I like trendy, quirky, unique, and even downright weird sometimes. Love bright colors. I'd say I am more hipster than hippie. I don't really go for preppy or conservative, at times I even enjoy styles leaning toward what you might find at Hot Topic, though I prefer clothing that is more unique. I love vintage and thrift stores. The stores I gravitate to at the local malls are Charlotte Russe, H&M, Wet Seal, Viktor Viktoria, Urban Outfitters...but I have pretty broad tastes. I am curvy, but not plus size. Usually wear between an 8 and 14 (US) depending on brand.

What I'm really looking for by shopping online is great deals. I like lots of stuff on Mod Cloth, but find it rather pricey. So please, tell me your best online stores, or even Etsy or EBay sellers.

Thanks savvy-shopping MeFites!

Bonus: I am also a lover of shoes!
posted by catatethebird to Shopping (21 answers total) 117 users marked this as a favorite
posted by sweetkid at 8:37 PM on March 22, 2013 [8 favorites]

Best answer: The ModCheap Tumblr should help point you into a few new directions. Ruche is definitely along the lines of ModCloth and Charlotte Russe.
posted by jetlagaddict at 9:17 PM on March 22, 2013 [4 favorites]

I just read about in Racked today. Was described as Nasty Gal (which is decently priced itself) for a Forever21 budget.
posted by acidic at 10:04 PM on March 22, 2013

Their aesthetic may not be up your alley, but I love Iron Fist. Their stuff is pretty moderately priced, but they do a lot of sales and promos (free shipping etc.) throughout the year - usually free shipping or a small percentage off at holidays (even minor ones like, say, the 4th of July) and then as seasons change they do pretty big clearances. Sign up for their email list if you like what you see.

Dorothy Perkins is similar to ASOS, and I swear I get an email twice a week or so saying they're doing 20 or 30% off -- either x% off everything, or by department (20% off sale, 20% off shoes, etc.). They're doing a 60% off sale now. Again, sign up for their email list.
posted by jorlyfish at 10:33 PM on March 22, 2013

I've loved Delia's since I was in high school. I'm a size 10 and their jeans/pants fit my hips rather well. Some of the styles now seem a little young, but you can't beat those prices.
posted by wintersonata9 at 10:53 PM on March 22, 2013

Trashy Diva is my favourite online store and they have some great deals in their sale section (scroll down for the biggest discounts). They also sometimes have promotions where you can take 20% off the already-discounted sale prices.

Their vintage-inspired dresses are designed for a curvy figure - they are generous in the bust and hips, but very fitted in the waist, which is really flattering. They are also well-made and good quality.
posted by RubyScarlet at 11:32 PM on March 22, 2013

Seconding Boohoo

Sounds strange, but a lot of UK supermarkets have some really good and cheap pieces (George at Asda, Florence and Fred at Tesco, TU at Sainsburys), the prices are often so low it's worth paying the shipping. There's a lot of shapeless stuff but quite a few diamonds in that rough

Matalan is similar to the supermarkets, a lot of meh looking things, but the odd amazing find

UK ebay often has cheap peices by Sister Jane, Nishe and Dahlia but you have to be willing not to wear this seasons styles right now to get the bargains, I reserve this for dresses I love

Romwe seems to be full of very pretty and cheap things, but I've never ordered from them so can't fully vouch yet

River Island not super cheap, just putting it out there as there's always at least one awesome thing I want

H! by Henry Holland at Debenhams again, not H&M bargain basement but not as much of a wallet-screw as Modcloth

As suggested above, Dotty P's is great, also check out New Look which is like a budget Topshop

Vero Moda (not sure if you have this already in the US)

is one of the big Oxford Street shops that's cheap and aimed at teens/early twenties, but if you're only late 20's you can totally pull it off

As for Esty, I'd have to spend hours trawling it pull out specific shops for you, but you can browse my favourites here, it sounds like we may have similar-ish tastes, and you can check my pinterest.

I am a hardened bargain hunter and as soon as I stop typing I know I'll remember something else!
posted by everydayanewday at 11:56 PM on March 22, 2013 [5 favorites]

Of course. I missed out Very
posted by everydayanewday at 11:59 PM on March 22, 2013

Best answer: Chicstar! If you want cheap but gorgeous pinup doll dresses, gothic fufu or Blade Runner-y femme fetale outfits, go nuts. The clothes are designed by site users so some of them are kind of ugly, and the designs cycle out after a while. I'm all about the dresses, but they have awesome jackets and stuff too.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 1:37 AM on March 23, 2013

Rats. Femme fatale. Femme fetale sounds like a line of French maternity wear.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 2:45 AM on March 23, 2013 [3 favorites]

My daughter's actually had good luck so far with stuff at I was skeptical, but the quality seems about on par with what you get from places like Forever 21 or Wet Seal, with a similar SoCal juniors-oriented line.
posted by drlith at 5:27 AM on March 23, 2013

If you know what you want, and know the size, but don't want to pay a premium, let me suggest daily ebay alerts to you.
posted by oceanjesse at 9:15 AM on March 23, 2013

Sign up for Beyond the Rack. They are sort of an online sample sale. New sales are up daily for a limited time. They don't last long and not everything will be to your taste but there are some great deals if you dig or are patient. As a thrift store shopper you are probably good at both of those things.
posted by Cuke at 9:18 AM on March 23, 2013

J Crew. No, really! Their regular prices are waaaay outside my budget, but it seems like every two months or so they have a "30 percent off the final sale price" sale, and suddenly sweaters are like $18, and I'm rolling around in a pile of dress shirts like Daisy Buchanan. I've been shocked by how cheap their stuff gets once it's on sale.
posted by Charity Garfein at 11:26 AM on March 23, 2013

Shopruche can be nice. I also sometimes like looking at, and Nordstrom Rack online, which has free shipping.
posted by gemutlichkeit at 11:39 AM on March 23, 2013

Sierra Trading Post They have way more than just outdoors-wear.
posted by hydropsyche at 12:07 PM on March 23, 2013 [1 favorite]

Lucky 21 has amazing prices on cute clothes.
posted by MesoFilter at 3:47 PM on March 23, 2013 (or go to a retail outlet if they have one near you)
posted by availablelight at 4:32 PM on March 23, 2013 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks for all the great recs guys, I have a feeling I'll be blowing my budget on clothes very soon!
posted by catatethebird at 9:11 PM on March 23, 2013

Try Sourpuss and Toofast for things that are slightly edgier. Most of their clothing is what those occasional pieces at Hot Topic aspire to be.
posted by haplesschild at 7:50 AM on March 25, 2013

Not itself a clothing retailer, but the Chloe Conspiracy blog has a great Daily List of Deals that is updated almost daily.
posted by forkisbetter at 1:09 PM on March 25, 2013

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