What's a good car service from Brooklyn to LaGuardia?
March 19, 2013 6:35 PM   Subscribe

I am sorry to ask such a dumb question, but I have a very early flight from South Park Slope to LaGuardia, and googling car services so far is returning not great results. Is there a car service someone can recommend for an early pick up (our flight is at 5:30 a.m.)?
posted by Peemster to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (13 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I travel to JFK about every 4 weeks from Park Slope and Arecibo has always been fine. Just make sure to tell dispatch ahead of time if you plan to use a credit card so they send a driver with a machine.

Call them when you are ready to go and they will be there in 5-7 min.
posted by carmenghia at 6:37 PM on March 19, 2013 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Doh, dumb phrasing. I need to get from South Park Slope to LGA -- I am not flying from South Park Slope to LGA!
posted by Peemster at 6:37 PM on March 19, 2013

Arecibo - 718-783-6465
posted by valeries at 6:38 PM on March 19, 2013

Response by poster: Awesome, looks like Arecibo is the crowd favorite. Thanks MF!
posted by Peemster at 6:41 PM on March 19, 2013

Yep, Arecibo. You might want to call in advance and tell them you'll need a car at [time you want to leave], but maybe that's just a peculiarity of my car service people (who are not Arecibo.)
posted by griphus at 6:42 PM on March 19, 2013

SuvMe if you ball out. Gypsy cabs work as well
posted by Hurst at 6:45 PM on March 19, 2013

Aricebo for a regular car; skyline for a newer car and more reliable service (they'll call you when they arrive instead if aricebo honking a couple of times).
posted by waterisfinite at 7:13 PM on March 19, 2013

posted by Sara C. at 7:22 PM on March 19, 2013

Eastern, if Arecibo won't answer the phone.
posted by unknowncommand at 7:29 PM on March 19, 2013 [1 favorite]

Eastern car service - the base is in South Park slope and they usually know the shortcuts pretty well.
posted by corb at 7:32 PM on March 19, 2013

I just used Legend for this trip and they are good. A friend swears by them.

I've used Arecibo and Eastern and they are both good.

For a substantial premium you could probably use Uber; not sure if they have scheduled pickups.

Basically there are plenty of great options and you will not have any problems. Happy flying.
posted by grobstein at 9:03 PM on March 19, 2013

Über car.
posted by pearlybob at 12:17 AM on March 20, 2013

For those who are reading this thread in the future, another option is Castle: 718 499-9333. They've always been on time.
posted by ultraviolet catastrophe at 8:33 AM on March 20, 2013

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