Visual (Dollars and Coins) Time and Money Tracking App
March 18, 2013 12:53 PM   Subscribe

There used to be a time tracking app for Android or iPhone which tracked time visually by displaying amount spent/earned in the form of US dollars and coins on the screen. What app was that?

There used to be a time tracking app, but I don't remember if it was for Android or iPhone, which tracked time visually by displaying amount spent/earned in the form of dollars and coins on the screen. Every second or two the screen would update with an accurate representation of amount of money per hour spent/earned by showing stacks of dollars and various denominations of US coins (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters as appropriate).

Anyone know what app that was? I can't find it anymore, but I've only been looking through the App Store as I no longer use an Android device, so it could very likely have been an Android app. However, a quick Google didn't turn up any results with the search terms I was trying, so I figured I'd ask the hive. :)
posted by purefusion to Technology (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Is it this?
posted by daninnj at 9:33 PM on August 22, 2013

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