Journalist on a seven-year walk needs a hand with solar panels
March 6, 2013 8:31 AM   Subscribe

Celebrated journalist Paul Salopek is on a seven year walk around the world. He's currently holed up in Djbouti, and is trying to fix a vexing technical problem - the solar panels he's carrying to power his computer, sat phone and other communications gear aren't keeping them charged. He's losing a lot of power to an AC inverter, and could use advice from someone who knows solar charging and DC power to fix his kit. There's a blogpost with details here and Paul (and members of his support team, like me) would be grateful for help from folks smart about solar and about mobile gear.
posted by obruni to Computers & Internet

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, I know you're trying to help but this needs to read more like just a question and a lot less like a plug for a thing that you're involved in to work as an askme question. Ping me at the contact form real quick if you want to try and talk about a rewrite. -- cortex

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