vacation planning to anywhere nonstop
February 12, 2013 1:31 PM   Subscribe

i'm curious which travel website might allow me to see all non-stop flights from my local airport with open seats on a given weekend. there are a couple of airlines i try to avoid, so filtering on a specific airline would also be nice. basically, i want to browse possible vacation destinations using only direct flights from my slightly mid-sized Virginia airport. (i thought kayak would do this sort of thing, but haven't found a way to do it.)
posted by garfy3 to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Did you check Kayak Explore? You can't filter by airlines, but you can pick non-stops only, and then just kinda browse around until you find a good priced flight from an airline you like, maybe?
posted by Grither at 1:37 PM on February 12, 2013 [1 favorite]

Was just coming in to suggest Kayak Explore, too - it isn't exactly what you are looking for, but I've found it very helpful to start brainstorming options.
posted by CharlieSue at 1:38 PM on February 12, 2013

Wikipedia usually has airport pages with a list of non-stop destinations. Your local airport's website might also promote new service often.
posted by mdonley at 8:34 PM on February 12, 2013

Matrix ITA won't quite let you do it, but you can search for all flights arriving within a 2000-mile radius of a given destination and choose non-stop only, which will let you pretty much cover all the continental US in one go (or all of Europe). And once you bring up the page of results, you can filter by airline.
posted by solotoro at 4:32 AM on February 13, 2013

My friend just showed me Google Flights. If you don't select a city, the map shows you prices for every airport. And you can select certain carriers.
posted by showbiz_liz at 9:43 AM on February 13, 2013

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