NYC therapist for problematic drinking.
January 28, 2013 3:03 PM

Looking for an NYC therapist specializing in treating problematic drinking. It is for someone who is a very private person so 12-step/AA/etc. is not an option. The issue is infrequent binge drinking leading to behavior stressing an otherwise happy and healthy relationship. Anywhere in Brooklyn or Manhattan works. Looking specifically for a psychotherapist, not a psychiatrist. Insurance not an issue. Throwaway email:
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Here. (Specialist in addiction; extremely expensive; incredibly talented. Will challenge the patient.)
posted by RJ Reynolds at 4:56 AM on January 29, 2013

Call the Albert Ellis Institute. Michler Bishop is one therapist there that I highly recommend.

I've seen the doctor RJ Reynolds recommended, too. He is good, but yes very expensive. He's a psychiatrist but tends more toward talk therapy (IME) than medication.
posted by torticat at 6:31 AM on January 29, 2013

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