Find the Mystery Halloween House
January 16, 2013 5:32 PM

A few years ago (at least 3 years but probably 5 or more), I was driving with my mom and we saw the extremely decorated house in these pictures:

Pic #1
Pic #2
Pic #3

We gawked, took the 3 pictures, laughed about it and drove on. The only problem is that neither one of us knew where we were (or if we knew, we don't remember). We didn't even have the pictures until Mom realized she still had stuff on an old phone (which she retrieved this weekend) but every time we go around a curve in a rural-ish area, we wonder about this house but without all the decorations, who could tell?

The builder on the sign in pic #1 is located in Delta, PA and that fits as we were probably nort or south of the Pennsylvania/Maryland border and between Rt 1 and I83. From the looks of the road surface (the ashy gray), it is probably in PA. The house faces east - we had trouble getting good photos on the cell camera because the sun was right above the house.

There's another sign in Pic #1 on the beige fence on the right edge - I think it may be a church sign (Episcopal?) which might be a clue to the location (or narrow it down) but I don't have the chops or software to look at it closely

(that fence is the reason why this is kind a shocking sight - there's a curve right there and the massive amount of decoration slaps you in the face when you are driving south).

TLDR? We want to go back to this house in October and see if they are still decorating because people don't believe this place exists. Can you help?
posted by jaimystery to Grab Bag (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The pictures you linked to are really small thumbnail size pictures...have anything larger?
posted by Captain_Science at 5:59 PM on January 16, 2013

Do you have the unedited original photo, or is that it?

Many smartphones will embed location data in the image file.

There doesn't appear to be any such information in the files you linked to.
posted by zen_spider at 6:09 PM on January 16, 2013


Hopefully those links will give a larger view and zen_spider, it wasn't a smart phone. It was a flip phone so I already looked at the picture properties when I got the email.
posted by jaimystery at 6:27 PM on January 16, 2013

DHH Modular Home Builders is in Delta, PA.
posted by dunkadunc at 6:40 PM on January 16, 2013

Go to Sign up (it's free and kind of a fun little community), link to your pictures in their "general" section and ask there. I give it about a 50/50 chance that someone will know - either way, they'll love the pictures.
posted by Kid Charlemagne at 10:36 PM on January 16, 2013

I think it's their headquarters. The visible bits of the building, but especially the driveway configuration, match up pretty darned well, and there's a sign where there should be a sign, so to speak. Even the quad-armed utility poles are there.

What you think may be a church sign is actually a very similar sign (same colonial pediment) to the main sign.
posted by dhartung at 11:27 PM on January 16, 2013

By golly, I think it is DHH Modular Home Builders! We were going to call the company as a long shot but the google street view does match up.

Thanks Dunkadunc and dhartung!
posted by jaimystery at 4:36 AM on January 17, 2013

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