Passed over for promotion
January 12, 2013 11:06 AM   Subscribe

Passed over for promotion and I'm trying to figure out what to do next.

Passed over for promotion and I'm feeling a bit angry. We're winning a customer service award for our work on a project. The interviewer had stated that I may not work well on a team, even though there's clear evidence that I did work well on a team when I'm getting recognized for my work. I talked to my manager, who also happens to be her manager, and he said he has no issues with me and that he's never heard a bad review from my current work group towards me. I told him that it's fairly difficult to understand how I can be viewed as not a good team member, when we're winning an award from the corporation.

My current coworker has stated that the interviewer tends to move goalposts because he's tried applying four times to her group and was told a different reason each time. She once said that she couldn't give him a reason for why he didn't get a position.

I want to use my award to ask our common manager and my director (my manager's manager) for more resources. Our group is the only successful programming team getting an award this year.

Additional info: The interviewer stated that I need to accept when things are good enough. She said I'm trying to change too many things. I know I like talking about things, but I've never deviated from the enterprise solutions currently offered and thinking I can deliver something as a one man army. I usually just talk about things though, like telling my coworkers about monads, or about potentially using Git as a version control tool. She said I may be antagonistic towards others. She said the work isn't about technology. I shot back and asked her if wasn't, then why do you hire consultants to accomplish technology tasks that your current set of programmers can't accomplish. She had stammered on that.
posted by DetriusXii to Work & Money

This post was deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're going through this, but as it is, there isn't really a question here. -- LobsterMitten

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