COBRA coverage for someone who has already died
December 8, 2012 5:28 PM

What do I do when a person is eligible for COBRA insurance but has passed away before getting papers and signing up?

I have a relative who has passed away, but has passed while being eligible for COBRA but has only received the paperwork after their death. In the time period after losing coverage from employment, significant medical expenses were incurred. Who applies for COBRA now? Is the executor allowed to sign up for COBRA on the deceased behalf?
posted by meowzilla to Work & Money (2 answers total)
Oh boy, do you need an attorney.

I guess one question is, this estate must have significant assets that would be wiped out by these medical debts? Otherwise, those medical debts, unless somebody co-signed for them or made some other arrangement, are not inherited.
posted by dhartung at 5:53 PM on December 8, 2012

Yeah, you need a probate attorney. Sounds like you're going to need to get a personal representative appointed.
posted by valkyryn at 7:04 PM on December 8, 2012

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