Searching for a Flip Top Lid for a Ball Jar
November 19, 2012 6:51 AM

I am searching for a flip top that I could put on a standard quart-sized Ball jar for times when I need to get into the jar with only one hand free. I am almost certain that I have seen these somewhere on the web, but my searching skills have failed me.

I'm looking for a lid similar to this:

I have a boatload of these quart-sized Ball jars in my house already, so I really don't want to buy new jars. I just want lids.
posted by allison00 to Home & Garden (9 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
I can't see the container store picture, but Kraft Parmesan cheese lids fit on regular mason jars. That might work for you. I haven't looked, but I imagine you can buy those somewhere.

Here's a picture.
posted by yb2006shasta at 6:59 AM on November 19, 2012

This also might work for you.
posted by yb2006shasta at 7:02 AM on November 19, 2012

I know you're looking for something that covers the full mouth of the jar, but depending on what you're getting out, might a pour spout work? If so, what about one of these?
posted by SeedStitch at 8:10 AM on November 19, 2012

Damn, beaten to it.
posted by SeedStitch at 8:11 AM on November 19, 2012

I should have probably mentioned this right away, but my primary use is cotton balls and cotton swabs, so the pour spout options won't work. Though I do like the pour spout option for other uses and plan to buy a couple of those now.
posted by allison00 at 10:11 AM on November 19, 2012

Very cool stuff on this thread.

Since it doesn't need to be super critter safe, how about modding some of these with some creative cutting, covering, and magnetting?

Honestly, though, you could probably just use a regular ring screwing down a cloth cap style lid with the whole magnet thing going on that you can thumb flip open.

I use this on marshmallow bags - is it big enough to fit on your quart jar?
posted by tilde at 10:59 AM on November 19, 2012

Okay, this idea illustrates what I'm talking about - a lid that's made to screw on with a cap. It's got a hole for sipping through, but it's the basic concept.

This lid looks more like what your quart jars might be sized, am I right? Maybe take silicone bands, poke a hole in the lid (or use the existing one!) to connect the lid and band and then do a little fiddling with rare earth magnets and voila! Attach a little something to push your thumb against for the lid, or use this guy instead of the coffee cup lid ...

Alternatively, make a snug fitting cap out of one of these, then copy this for a star or flower opening. My kids used something similar to this (I DIY'd some) for snacker trappers and for keeping out dust and going for a minimal fuss not so messy home brew solution must might work.

A potentially cheaper cuter version of the "cut in access slices" would use silicone baking cups. They are usually available at local JoAnn or Michaels, so you can take your jar and try it there. Note, I eyeballed these so they might not fit exactly!

Big one flower.

Big Jumbo Muffin style.

For a set of the same color, slice up a muffin pan.

No measurements on these, but big ish?

Here's a nice orange ...

Cute, and might be 3.5" in the right direction ...

One last 3.5" silicone cup/cap contender ...

I just happened to research these the other day, looking for silicone bowl-like things for snack bowls (wasn't happy with any options) and I did a goody bag for a cooking-themed birthday party back in the day that included jumbo muffin cups ...
posted by tilde at 1:02 PM on November 19, 2012

I have some of those reCAPs and they're awesome! Salad dressing, smoothies, iced coffee, etc.

These plastic lids are nice too. They're not flip-top but if they're not screwed on super tight, you can definitely open it with one hand.
posted by barnone at 6:20 PM on November 19, 2012

Final update from the OP:
I finally found the solution that I needed!
posted by restless_nomad at 7:42 PM on March 21, 2015

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