Why does Airport on my Macbook quit working?
November 2, 2012 3:34 PM   Subscribe

I have a newer Macbook Pro and whenever I move it around my house, Airport stops working and won't work again until I reboot. What gives?

This issue is definitely affecting productivity and patience. I've Googled it and asked around on message boards without any real clear-cut answer. Granted some answers were more technical than I can really understand.

In any case, is Airport by itself a component I can "re-install" or is it just part of the operating system (Version 10.8.2, FWIW)? Are there alternatives to Airport that would be more effective? Sorry for the dumb questions, haven't been using Macs that long...
posted by deern the headlice to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Do you have problems with any other devices not getting good wireless signal?

If so, consider adjusting channel settings on your wireless router, to help reduce interference from neighboring routers that can "kick" you off your network.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 3:41 PM on November 2, 2012


Wifi's been a little weird on OSX since 10.7. (In particular the adhoc network system, although that's not related to your problem.)

That said, there are a couple simple things you can try first; chief among them a PRAM reset. That is, what they'd do for you if you took it into a Genius Bar: although officially OSX no longer stores network data there, I've seen 10.8 devices that straight-up believed they didn't have an AirPort card installed suddenly wake up after that.

Reboot holding CMD+ALT+P+R, then pray.

In addition, I'd go and wipe out your list of Preferred Networks, just to be sure.

That failing, you may well be up a creek, although I have faith that, as the number of hours you Google it approaches infinity, there'll be something out there. It's probably not pretty, though.
posted by fifthrider at 3:49 PM on November 2, 2012

Does it only happen on your home wireless network, or also at any other place with wifi such as library, work, Starbucks?
posted by acidic at 3:54 PM on November 2, 2012

By any chance do you put it to sleep before you move it? That can cause issues I've found, so try moving it without doing that first.
posted by Ziggurat at 4:58 PM on November 2, 2012

If you can reproduce it easily, I would just go stop by an Apple Store.
posted by wongcorgi at 5:17 PM on November 2, 2012

Response by poster: Do you have problems with any other devices not getting good wireless signal?

Just the MBP.

Does it only happen on your home wireless network, or also at any other place with wifi such as library, work, Starbucks?

Now that you mention it, I have had it happen when I leave work and bring the MBP home. Airport won't come back on.
posted by deern the headlice at 10:08 AM on November 3, 2012

How old is your Airport?
posted by heyjude at 12:55 PM on November 3, 2012

Assuming that you close the lid of your Macbook when you move it around, the real issue is that the wifi is disabled by sleep mode. If so, I've found a LOT of people with the same problem, with some indication that the problem was solved by the most recent OS update (in the last few weeks). So my first step would be to go to the App Store and install that. If not, go to the Genius Bar. Definitely a problem they have seen before.
posted by acidic at 1:45 PM on November 3, 2012

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