Help me recall the name of some software
October 12, 2012 12:36 PM   Subscribe

Name the obscure torrent client

I've had to re-install my OS recently (Windows 7 64-bit professional).
I was diligent about saving my data and program information for easy reinstallation, with one tiny exception.

Maybe because it's just because I've got a head cold and my brain isn't working at peak efficiency, but I can't remember the name of my torrent client.

It's a really obscure client. The company logo is a dragon or flying lizard. I originally installed it after reading about it on a blog about the best torrent clients for 64-bit systems. I think the blog was actually dedicated to torrent clients or torrenting in general.

I really would like to reinstall it because it seemed to work really well on my system-- much better than other more popular clients (and I've run through a number of them).

My searching skills seem to have vanished today, so I can't find the software, and I can't find the blog where I read about it.
posted by sardonyx to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Any of these?
posted by Foci for Analysis at 12:43 PM on October 12, 2012

Response by poster: Boy I really am foggy today!

I actually looked at that list before at least two or three times before I even posted this question and thought to myself, nope, it's not there. But when I looked again, it was.

It's QBitTorrent (or at least I think that's the one). When I looked at it originally I was confusing it with another program I ran for a while and uninstalled because it didn't make my computer happy.

Mind you the screenshots look different, but maybe those are from the lastest version update which I wasn't running.
posted by sardonyx at 12:51 PM on October 12, 2012

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