US Flags for Election Day
September 7, 2012 7:45 AM

Where can I buy US flags that are Made in USA in bulk?

Hivemind: With the election coming up, I want to buy a few thousand 3' x 5' US Flags for Key West. (Growing up, on Election Day people always flew the US flag as a terrific reminder that today's Election Day.) This is strictly for giveaway, and Key West is only two-miles-wide-by-three-miles-long so even with a population of 24k that many flags will get the message across.

And the message is pretty simple: Vote.

So far, I'm coming up short. The price point I'm looking for is around $5 per piece. I'm flexible, that's a target.

The important thing is they have to be Made in USA.

posted by Mike Mongo to Media & Arts

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