Who will sell me the perfect black jacket?
August 21, 2012 3:29 PM

I lost my perfect black jacket. What now?

After years of slovenly T-shirts and jeans, I found the perfect black dress coat. It was from Uniqlo, nothing super fancy but not too casual either, made of linen or some sort of cotton. It was soft and relatively inexpensive--I never worried about getting it dirty but also never worried about being underdressed since it went as well with a T-shirt as a white dress shirt. I wore it everywhere and we loved each other dearly.

Three weeks ago, I lost it.

Any advice on where to turn, fashion savvy Mefites? I've scoured the Uniqlo website, but the model doesn't seem to exist anymore, which is no surprise since I bought it three years ago. I'm disconsolate. I'm afraid if I don't get another jacket soon I'll slip back into my slovenly ways, which nobody wants.

FWIW, too, I'm a guy, 5'7, 140 pounds, athletic build. I'd love to get away with spending less than $100, but if you tell me it's worth more, I can go higher.

Thank you dearly.
posted by vecchio to Shopping (10 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
You can do an ebay search, to see if someone is selling that jacket.

Do you have any photos of it? That would help.
posted by annsunny at 3:32 PM on August 21, 2012

I remember a friend having good success with blazers/jackets from H&M; they also have jackets and coats if that's what you mean by "dress coat". You can also look at someplace like Zappos which will let you limit by price, color, fabric, etc. Here's black cotton jackets under $100.
posted by stellaluna at 4:16 PM on August 21, 2012

Good call, annsunny, but I don't know the exact model. It looked something between this and this, only a bit more casual.
posted by vecchio at 4:32 PM on August 21, 2012

I think he meant do you have a picture of yourself wearing the jacket from some times in the last few years, in order to look for details and whatnot. (Also you posted the same link twice).
posted by brainmouse at 4:36 PM on August 21, 2012

Yep, I mean more in the blazers category, less in the outerwear. Like this from H&M only more casual, less shiny (please forgive the horrible fashion vocab).
posted by vecchio at 4:36 PM on August 21, 2012

So maybe a soft-cotton or twill black blazer, with narrow lapels and a slim silhouette (sometimes called a "trim fit"). Here's one from John Varvatos that might fit the bill; although it is a bit more than you want to spend it is significantly reduced from its original price.
posted by stellaluna at 5:04 PM on August 21, 2012

Yep, I meant a picture of you in the jacket. It's hard to see details in photos of black clothes, though.
posted by annsunny at 5:23 PM on August 21, 2012

Just searched for a picture of me in the jacket but came up empty. What about other places to buy affordable semi-dressy stuff like this?
posted by vecchio at 6:23 PM on August 21, 2012

To black cotton or linen blazer, with narrow lapels, slim silhouette, add unlined.
here are 2 from urban outfitters.
posted by theora55 at 7:54 PM on August 21, 2012

Perfect, thanks, theora!
posted by vecchio at 5:19 PM on August 22, 2012

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