Algonquin in the winter
August 1, 2012 7:59 AM

Algonquin Park in the winter. Do you have experience/advice/recommendations?

My girlfriend and I are thinking of spending a couple of nights in Algonquin Park this winter, around New Year's. Have you done this? Do you have recommendations of what/how to do it?

We have little camping experience, so the idea of inner-park "wild"-camping is a bit daunting, although theoretically I am up for the adventure. Is it as dangerous as I imagine it to be? The more realisitc option, I though, would be to get a Yurt for a couple of nights, and do some cross-country skiing on a groomed trail and some snowshoeing. Or would it be better just to get a B&B in the area, and then drive in to do the skiing etc?
posted by molecicco to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
Have you thought about dog sledding school?
posted by Capt. Renault at 8:25 AM on August 1, 2012

It's been nearly 15 years, so things may have changed, but we stayed a in cute little cabin, it rustic, but hardly camping. I have no memory of what we did about food, but we probably brought it with us. The xc skiing was great and along the trail they would have little cabins with wood burning stoves where you could warm up, take a break. I remember thinking it was all very civilized.
posted by snowymorninblues at 9:56 AM on August 1, 2012

Get a cabin or a yurt. Winter camping is boring unless you are someplace you can have a giant fire or a warm place to hang. Otherwise it gets dark at 5pm and its cold so you are stuck in your sleeping bag. If you have a warm place to hang though, its transformed to awesome!
posted by fshgrl at 10:59 AM on August 1, 2012

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