Where can two people watch the Tony Awards in Seattle?
June 10, 2012 12:26 AM

Where can two people watch the Tony Awards in Seattle?

My girlfriend is drop-dead set on watching the Tony Awards. She's new to town, I've been here awhile... But I'm an engineer so I don't get this artsy stuff, and I have no idea the types of places that might entertain this sort of event.

We don't have cable, but we intend to go to Radio Shack tomorrow and try to pick up an antenna to get OTA channels. This question is a fallback for if that plan fails.

People go to bars or restaurants to watch ballgames, UFC fights, and the like... Do they also get together to watch award shows? Where might we go? Google has come up dry...
posted by Dilligas to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
I found a Tony Awards party at The Lobby Bar on Pike St.
posted by lemonwheel at 12:56 AM on June 10, 2012

possibly not what you're asking, but its streaming online at 6pm eastern time here
http://www.tonyawards.com/en_US/tonynight/guide.html....not sure if its the whole broadcast or just extra bits.
you might need a vpn like unblock-us but its very cheap

there's international details of the broadcast here


posted by sparkle55 at 4:11 AM on June 10, 2012

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