Seeking job dilemma advice
April 2, 2012 7:49 PM   Subscribe

Need some advice here. Applied for a job, had a good interview and I have a pretty good feeling they'd like to offer me the job, but... The job is part-time (20 hrs), no benefits. As of today, they have another part-time position open which is also a good fit for my combo of experience and skills. I've done this job, and I could do this job again tomorrow.

Futher complications: The new job requires a bachelor's in the field, which I do not have. I have the required experience, but not the paper.

Should I apply for the second job w/o the stated required degree? They can see I have the experience, and we had a really good conversation today. I'd like to think they could see me in the second job as well...

What I'm hoping is that they'll see they have the whole package in me and either give me a shot at both jobs, or combine the two positions into one. Win-win.

How do I gently point them toward this idea? How can I get past the degree requirement? Am I just chasing rainbows?
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (2 answers total)
Combining jobs might not be a win-win for them. They would then have to provide benefits and it will cost them more than two part timers would.
posted by AugustWest at 7:59 PM on April 2, 2012

The reason they have two part time jobs and not one full time one is that they want to avoid paying benefits.

To answer your question, don't apply. Instead, followup the interview with a note saying thanks that ends with, "I will call to confirm you received my note and discuss next steps". Wait a week, and call the manager/hiring manager and talk them about how things are going express interest in the job (that you interviewed for). At that time you can ask about the second job and express some interest, say that you have the skills, experience, etc.
posted by zia at 8:00 PM on April 2, 2012

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