Looking for affordable t-shirt fabric, online or around Albuquerque
March 31, 2012 4:59 PM

Can anyone suggest a place to buy reasonably priced t-shirt fabric, online or in the general Albuquerque area?

My parents-in-law recently moved to Rio Rancho, a short ways north of Albuquerque. My mother-in law makes night shirts, and she tried one local shop (Hancock Fabrics), but t-shirt fabric was $12-15 per yard. At that cost, a night shirt may cost $60, making it cheaper to order a nice night shirt online.

A quick Google search turns up a handful of fabric, quilting and craft stores in this area, but I'm hoping for the off-chance that someone can recommend a place, or some reliable online options. Thanks!
posted by filthy light thief to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
As far as I know, Jo Anne, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock are the cheaper games in town. I'm under the impression (could be wrong) that Nob Hill fabrics caters to more specialty stuff.
Denver Fabric sells Cotton Jersey for 4.95 a yard. Is that more the speed?
posted by pickypicky at 5:17 PM on March 31, 2012

pickypicky has pretty much nailed it. Some of the Wal-marts are carrying fabric again. It's a hit-or-miss proposition. I am not sure of their locations on the West side.

I sign up for the mailing lists, and use the coupons. JoAnn, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock all have online signup available. Hip Stitch may carry a few knits, but it's a small shop. I haven't been to Nob Hill Fabrics yet, or Stitchology.. the rest are pretty much quilting stores.

In Santa Fe, which isn't too far, there is Santa Fe Fabrics. They carry high-end fabrics, but really gorgeous stuff. It's not likely to be very inexpensive, though.

Besides Denver Fabric/Fabric mart online, there's Fashion Fabrics. Fabric Mart has a limited selection, but good fabric at decent prices. I have ordered from all of these without any problems.
posted by annsunny at 8:46 PM on March 31, 2012

Ugh, it was late last night... There is a subject thread at Pattern Review which covers all sorts of sources to buy fabric.

One blogger assembled a list, and a additional, which has a link to the first post.

Also, list published by this blogger. She updated it here.

A lot of these are repeats, but people do talk about their experiences with the companies, which is helpful.
posted by annsunny at 9:25 AM on April 1, 2012

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