It exists, we know it exists!
March 16, 2012 9:40 PM

Help us find the Berkeley bumper sticker song by The Bobs.

It's mentioned on Wikipedia and has been seen in a live show. But The Bobs have been around for quite a while and they have a lot of songs... this is where y'all come in.
posted by aniola to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Is it Kill Your Television, where the lyrics are all bumper stickers? (amazon download if it is)
posted by sarahnade at 11:12 PM on March 16, 2012

I'm sure you're thinking of "Kill Your Television."
posted by Faint of Butt at 5:22 AM on March 17, 2012

Third vote for Kill Your Television.
posted by DiscourseMarker at 8:24 AM on March 17, 2012

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