Movie Theatrical Release Notification?
March 5, 2012 4:16 PM

How do I get email notification when a movie is released in theatres in Winnipeg?

I PMed the author of this post who was asking for pretty much the same thing two years ago. He says he now uses the IMDB watchlist with an iPhone app, but I don't have a smartphone, so I'd prefer something I can get by email.

I signed up for an IMDB Watchlist but could find nothing in their help files on how to get notifications on theatrical releases unless I have an iPhone or Android. I contacted their support desk and got no response.

Any new developments since the question was previously asked, or someone who knows how to make the IMDB Watchlist do what I want?
posted by RobotHero to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
So you're after a specific movie (or movies) not all movies?
posted by backwards guitar at 5:40 PM on March 5, 2012

Would GoWatchIt work in your area?
posted by mogget at 5:58 PM on March 5, 2012

Backwards Guitar- I think if I just sign up for a newsletter that lists all movies opening this week or something, I'll quickly lose the habit of reading through the whole list.

mogget - GoWatchIt sounds like it covers theatres. ( It seems most online things of this nature are focused on DVD releases, not theatrical releases. ) But the first two movies I searched for (that are supposed to be released this summer) didn't show up in results.

I will admit the movie that inspired this train of thought is StreetDance 2. I saw trailers for its predecessor, SteetDance 3D, played in the theatre, but I completely missed the actual release. It doesn't come up in searches on GoWatchIt, neither does its genre cousin Step Up 4. So GoWatchIt is the right idea but maybe after it's finished with its Beta it will have a wider selection of movies?
posted by RobotHero at 9:43 PM on March 5, 2012

Oh, and yeah, GoWatchIt bases your location on your Zip Code which makes it not great for Canadians.

I'm trying to sign up for opt-in advertisements to ensure I will go spend money on these movies. Isn't this something that capitalism is supposed to be good at?
posted by RobotHero at 9:46 PM on March 5, 2012

Well, the only new release lists I found were at Metacritic and this one from movieweb. You could set up ifttt to watch that feed and e-mail you whenever youg et a title match for StreetDance.

That won't tell you it's playing in Winnipeg, but it'll tell you its out. Then you could use something like Google Movies to see if it is playing locally.
posted by backwards guitar at 7:38 AM on March 6, 2012

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