DVD Cases (not furniture)
January 15, 2012 7:18 PM   Subscribe

Seeking pros and cons of various DVD cases (box for 2 DVDS vs thick 'CD' type cases vs skinny 'jewel' cases). I have a lot of DVD's I've recorded. I want to keep in good condition, but how much difference do the cases make? I bought a couple of cases of apparently good 'boxes' from "effectuality.com" many years ago, since then some cheaper ones from Microcenter (Inland is the brand), not as easy to use but easier to buy small quantities. But I have discovered that

labelling the boxes is a big bottleneck, whereas the transparent skinny or CD cases are much easier to leaf through. So, how will using the CD or Jewel cases effect longevity? or will it? I want to keep these DVD's as long as the DVD's work, which may or may not be longer than 5 years.(I read that somewhere). Any insights? Thanks.
posted by judybxxx to Shopping (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I would think CD and Jewel cases would break much, much sooner and easier than the real DVD boxes.
posted by jitterbug perfume at 7:46 PM on January 15, 2012

Have you considered something from discgear?

Though jewel cases or sleeves are still good for when you view them often, discgear storage allows for listing and general storage (for when they are not accessed at all for long periods of time).

I bought one recently actually and I have somewhat begun to think it is more toward long term storage then storage of software/game media... Something about tossing the original cases for movies/games or trying to store them another way bugs me at this moment.
posted by Bodrik at 8:07 PM on January 15, 2012

Best answer: Most of my burn discs are in three-ring binders, eight discs to a "page" with a special material to protect the play surface.

I also have a number of standalone sleeves with the same material -- recently-burned discs go into these until I find time for a filing session.

Univenture is the main supplier of this type of stuff to the industry, but you might just look at MicroCenter for a bargain on a set of matching binders. Ikea used to have some 80-disc binders for less than $10 as well.

(Message me if you are interested in regular clear CD jewelcases (not thinlines) -- I've got way too many of these and wonder what a box of 30 will fetch on ebay.)
posted by omnidrew at 8:51 AM on January 16, 2012

Best answer: Bags Unlimited, beloved of collectors and small-time archivists across the US, can probably give you very specific advice. They are aware of things like the lifespan issue you mention, and seem very in touch with their product in general. Give them a call!
posted by bubukaba at 9:05 AM on January 16, 2012 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: I called Bags Unlimited - they said it is personal preference whether to use CD cases or DVD cases, labelling and graphics, etc. So I think I will try using CD cases for some.
In my situation, some of these DVDs will not be taken out frequently, and once put away, unlikely to be dropped or stepped on (which has happened when they lie around, but very rarely).
Thanks for the link, bubukaba. And if anyone has other information, I'd be glad to hear it. .
posted by judybxxx at 9:47 AM on January 16, 2012

Best answer: If you want to go archival, try Light Impressions , or Gaylord, or University Products.
posted by gudrun at 10:04 AM on January 16, 2012 [1 favorite]

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