Peed in public, got caught. How do I go about finding a lawyer?
January 5, 2012 6:25 AM   Subscribe

Peed in public, got caught. How do I go about finding a lawyer?

So, a few weeks back I was in Annapolis bar hopping with some friends. Long story short, I ended up in the back of a cop car while he wrote me a citation for public urination. I received my summons in the mail, and my court date is set for the end of February.

It seems this is something I'll want to at least talk to a lawyer about. The biggest thing is I actually don't have any memory of doing it, and I had apparently gotten separated from my friends, so they have no idea what happened either. I don't really doubt that I did it, but I have no idea what to say in court when I honestly don't remember what happened. My memory starts from me being in the car with the officer talking to me. As far as I can remember, I was polite and cooperative.

I'd also love to get this removed from my record, and I'm hoping a lawyer could help me with that (if it's even possible).

So, a few questions:

1) What's a good way to find a reputable lawyer? It seems there are lots of sites to look at out there, but many of them don't really have enough reviews to be useful (if they're even real reviews).
2) How much should I expect to pay? I'm guessing this varies quite a bit, but what questions should I be asking to figure out the cost? Will it likely all be hourly, or is there the potential of a fixed price?

Thanks in advance, all. It was a stupid thing for me to have done, and I'm willing to pay whatever it ends up costing, but I'd really like someone to talk to who can at least help me figure out what I've gotten myself into.

And, I understand you aren't lawyers, so I'm not asking for legal advice (unless of course, you happen to be a criminal defense lawyer in Annapolis!), just trying to figure out where to go.
posted by anonymous to Law & Government (12 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
One way is to call up the Maryland State Bar Association and ask them for references for criminal defense attorneys.

Call a few of the names up, tell them what you've posted here, and see which one you like the best.

It doesn't sound like a serious crime and you're right that you'd be better served by talking to a lawyer rather than going about this yourself.
posted by dfriedman at 6:30 AM on January 5, 2012

I am a lawyer. I am not your lawyer, and this is not legal advice.

A lot of this will depend on what they are charging you for and what the potential consequences of that are. If they are throwing a lot of charges at you, the costs necessarily increase, and the likelihood of getting a lawyer to agree on a flat fee goes down a lot.

I'm not in your area, but where I have practiced, rates started at around $175 for associates and up as high as you can pay for partners (with $250-$350 being a low-average range). You should ask your attorney for an estimate of how much time it will take -- he or she will give you one that is heavily laden with disclaimers but it's at least an idea.

You should be aware that in some states, "indecent exposure" lands you on the sex offender registry, so even if it's something you're willing to plead to you should know what the consequences of that plea will be.

Good luck.
posted by gauche at 6:34 AM on January 5, 2012 [2 favorites]

The best way to get lawyers is personal referral. Bar Association is not a terrible idea either.

Do not use Yelp. :)

This will sound silly, but: you're right to take this seriously. This is the kind of thing that can get annoying and troublesome if you like, want to be a lawyer yourself someday, or work with children in any capacity, etc. etc. The right lawyer will make this kind of thing disappear from your record.

In terms of price, it varies quite wildly. We can't really give you an estimate. Handling one small criminal court matter can vary from almost nothing to tens of thousands of dollars (seriously, I know it sounds crazy, but when you want confidence you're getting something entirely expunged from your record, you pay for it).
posted by RJ Reynolds at 6:35 AM on January 5, 2012

Here's an article that adds to what gauche says above.

I am not a lawyer and I don't know anything about Maryland laws. Get the best possible lawyer you can, even if you have to go in debt to do it. I hope it all turns out well.
posted by mareli at 6:43 AM on January 5, 2012

I am an attorney, I am a Maryland attorney, who has done criminal work, but I am not your attorney.

It might be worth going to the local public defender's office to see if you qualify. In Maryland you have to apply to have one appointed for you, but they will appoint them for public urination, since it carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail. I have no idea what your financial circumstances are, but it's worth considering.

If you don't qualify, the bar association can make a recommendation. This is the list of the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, which you can look at by location. As to cost, fixed price is possible for criminal cases, especially minor ones. Ask your attorney, when you get one. The cost will be higher than you'd like, but not astronomical.

If you can't get a referral, and you've got some free time, you might want to hang out at the courthouse for a morning. You can see whose doing criminal work, and who seems like a person you'd want representing you. Most importantly, find a lawyer who specializes in criminal defense work. Generalists are usually not a good bet for criminal defendants, and they are very likely not to take your cases as seriously as you need. the MCDAA link I gave above should get you an attorney who at least specializes.

You're absolutely right to take this seriously. Good luck!
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 6:46 AM on January 5, 2012 [4 favorites]

I am not an attorney, much less your attorney. I have only rarely even touched actual attorneys. I will, however, second gauche's advice that the best way to find one is through personal referral. If you have friends or family members who have required the services of a criminal defense attorney, ask them. If you know a non-criminal-defense lawyer well enough to ask him/her for a referral to somebody who does do criminal defense, ask.
posted by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish at 7:00 AM on January 5, 2012

You can also contact your state legistator, who will almost certainly know a good criminal lawyer and be happy to put you in touch with him/her.
posted by BigLankyBastard at 8:33 AM on January 5, 2012

Don't forget to ask lawyers where you are for referrals. If you live in DC, or Philadelphia, or wherever, and know a lawyer, pull them aside (or email or call them) and explain in very broad strokes that you need a criminal attorney in Annapolis, and do they know anyone.

If they don't know a criminal lawyer in Annapolis, but know a civil lawyer, get that name and make a phone call, using your friends name as a reference.

If you are still in college (or a graduate), you can check with your Alumni Association to see if any alums practice in Annapolis. Good luck!

posted by China Grover at 9:02 AM on January 5, 2012

I am not a lawyer nor your lawyer nor the lawyer my mom wanted me to be. I have been ticketed for urinating in public. It was in New York State and it was 20+ years ago. I called the local DA and asked him if he was offering anything in terms of a plea deal. I know this may be a surprise, but it turns out his interest was in the revenue, not the admission of guilt. We worked out a deal where I plead to some loitering or something like that and paid a $125 fine. It was a lot back then. No record, no anything other than be lighter by $125.

I am quite certain you are not the first to be charged with this in Annapolis. I would speak to legal aid and find out what the normal disposition is for first time offenders in this situation. If it is to plea to a fine, I would call the local DA and ask if there is something you can work out in advance of your appearance. If the answer is it varies, I would get a good lawyer to ask the DA.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:46 AM on January 5, 2012

Don't forget to ask lawyers where you are for referrals. If you live in DC, or Philadelphia, or wherever, and know a lawyer, pull them aside (or email or call them) and explain in very broad strokes that you need a criminal attorney in Annapolis, and do they know anyone.

If they don't know a criminal lawyer in Annapolis, but know a civil lawyer, get that name and make a phone call, using your friends name as a reference.

If you are still in college (or a graduate), you can check with your Alumni Association to see if any alums practice in Annapolis. Good luck!

In addition to this, Maryland is a small place and plenty of criminal defense attorneys travel for their work. If you live in Baltimore or DC, a local lawyer might be willing to appear for you in Annapolis; so if you get a recommendation for a Montgomery County lawyer, it might be worth asking them if they work in AA County.

Actually, if you get a recommendation for a Montgomery County lawyer send me a MeFi mail and I might be able to offer an opinion. I can't make a recommendation myself, because I don't have any idea who would be willing to take work in AA County.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 12:55 PM on January 5, 2012

I have a friend who was pinched for this exact thing in that exact location. Well, Annapolis. Perhaps not the same alley. I hope it was an alley.

I'll drop him a note and ask who he used and what the eventual resolution was; I know he had an interest in dealing with it expediently since it could have potentially impacted his security clearance.
posted by phearlez at 2:36 PM on January 5, 2012

Okay, the response I got about how that turned out was that it was put on the stet docket for a period of two years. I didn't get clarity about whether he reached that agreement directly with the state's attorney or if he had a lawyer negotiate it.

If you need more than that feel free to me-mail me; I promise not to tell anyone who you are. Or I suppose you can email me at at acm dot org via a disposable email of some sort. I'll do my best to connect you with more folks.
posted by phearlez at 8:14 PM on January 5, 2012

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