Minecraft resources for 11 year-old?
December 19, 2011 10:07 AM   Subscribe

Minecraft resources for 11 year-old?

I am giving my 11 year old nephew Minecraft for the holidays. I plan to play with him during my visit to show him the ropes. I also plan to show him how to get around the wiki; he's very bright and good at figuring things out.

Two part question:

1) I'd like to pre-load a few worlds for him to give him a taste of some of the cooler things that can be built. Especially if it allows him to reverse-engineer redstone contraptions. An adventure map would also be cool.

2) Are there any kid-friendly Minecraft series (or great stand alone videos) out there that are also fairly current with the recent "full" release? While I love Yogscast, for example, they're a bit too sweary.
posted by Wossname to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Look at MCEdit, you can use it to create/edit worlds where you insert objects/buildings (called schematics) other people have built.
posted by jockc at 10:55 AM on December 19, 2011

I really liked the furniture edition of How to Not Suck at Minecraft but I haven't watched the other videos. Can't speak to the other stuff - I've never tried a downloaded world or adventure map!
posted by mygothlaundry at 10:58 AM on December 19, 2011

This similar question posted earlier might be helpful when looking for different textures.
posted by samsara at 11:42 AM on December 19, 2011

Try the you tube series minecraftdad.

Family orientated, and okay for my 7 year old. Lots of tutorial videos.
posted by dripped at 6:28 AM on December 21, 2011

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