Fitted case with an 18-135 lens?
October 24, 2011 10:40 AM   Subscribe

Fitted case w/an 18-135 lens?

I'm looking for a soft or semi-hard fitted case for a Canon Rebel XSi w/an 18-135 lens attached, but am coming up blank so far - can anyone recommend one?

Bonus points if it's less expensive than the manufacturer cases and still well made.
posted by ryanshepard to Shopping (1 answer total)
Well, it's not exactly totally fitted, but if you get a just big enough case like the Crumpler Jimmy Bo 300, it might do the trick. It is very well made IMO.

Not sure if that's the exact right size, but the 500 comfortably fits my 5D with 50mm attached and 28mm not attached, so that would be significantly too big.

A completely different type of case is the Cloak Bag.
posted by Magnakai at 12:48 PM on October 24, 2011

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