Help Me Brush Up on My Production Assistant Skills
August 31, 2011 1:43 PM   Subscribe

I haven't been a production assistant on a film/TV crew since 2000. What do I need to know about the changes in the industry, protocol, etc. for my Big Comeback this weekend?

I've PA'd on numerous student (junior/senior) films, a local PBS special, and a few cable-access city council meeting broadcasts. I got that experience as part of my BFA in film (which also included producing and co-shooting a feature-length documentary), so I'm reasonably familiar with standards, jargon, set protocol, and such... circa 10+ years ago.

Since then, I've gone down an unrelated career path that's taken me almost totally out of media, but I'm trying to get back in, and have even gone down to half-time at my current job to do so.

I've accepted an offer to camera PA on a (minor) sports tournament broadcast this weekend. I'm fairly certain I know what I need to know for the most part, and the AD has assured me that reliability and a good attitude are more important than any gaps in experience.

That's good news, but part of me is terrified that I'm woefully behind on something that is common knowledge to The Kids Today. I was coming through school right on the cusp of the DV explosion (though we still shot most of our stuff on film), so my experience with High-def, SD cards, etc. is pretty limited.

As a PA, of course, I won't be required to do any actual operating of equipment, but if I want to get my foot in the door for more work (I do!), I need to make sure I don't give any blank stares or commit any blunders this weekend. The AD says it's a lot of keeping cables out of the way, keeping batteries fresh and supplied, and so forth, which sounds reasonable enough.

At 37, I realize I'm trying to get back into the game a bit late, but I'd actually be quite happy getting steady pickup work at the lower end of the totem pole. So... what do I need to know that's changed? How can I put my best foot forward, both for this weekend and for the future?

Specific advice, as well as links to good websites, would me most appreciated. Thanks!
posted by Rykey to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The Anonymous Production Assistant's Blog.
posted by caek at 1:57 PM on August 31, 2011

Best answer: As someone who came up solely in the "new media" era (tail end of DV and into all digital/HD), I think you'll be in pretty good shape in the PA role. I'm assuming this will be a live sports broadcast, so for the most part you shouldn't notice much difference in the new HD/Digital gear. I recently did a live benefit broadcast (my first live event of that size, as a camera op), and honestly your AD is right - attitude goes much farther than experience. I jumped in and took the lead probably beyond my level, but it was appreciated and I got several calls for more jobs in the following weeks.

Specific advice, which I don't mean to sound low-level considering your experience:

1. Wind cables the right way. A lot of people don't, and it is a big hassle pulling a crossed and twisted cable out later.

2. If you have access to some gaff tape on the job, keep a roll on you. It will come in handy, don't let someone take it out of your sight, or it won't come back.

3. Keep a couple of pens, and a basic screwdriver or multitool. Doesn't need to be huge, just the basics.

4. 100% make sure your phone is off or silent.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to MeMail.
posted by shinynewnick at 10:30 PM on August 31, 2011

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