I need a high resolution of Rick Scott looking like a maniac
July 28, 2011 12:35 PM

I am looking for a specific undoctored high resolution image of Florida Governor Rick Scott.

The image in question is widely circulated meme fodder (as exemplified here). However every instance of this photo in a search for Rick Scott on Google Image Search has the top of his polished dome cropped out. I know another version exists because it was used on The Colbert Report.

I turn to the hivemind for help with this. And maybe you can help me with providing good alternatives to GIS as well.
posted by triceryclops to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Tineye turns it up in color, though not in high resolution.

The original is almost certainly a Corbis or Getty image, like this one.
posted by dhartung at 12:49 PM on July 28, 2011

I've been able to determine that the picture was taken by Reuters photographer Joe Skipper on the eve of the gubernatorial primary election (August 24, 2010) at his campaign headquarters in Ft. Lauderdale, presumably while he was giving his acceptance speech. Maybe someone with access to the wire photo archives can dig that up, but I can't seem to find a source.
posted by Rhomboid at 2:45 PM on July 28, 2011

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