Internet stalking Toronto
July 25, 2011 10:12 AM   Subscribe

What blogs/twitter lists should I read to get a sense of the Toronto/GTA zeitgeist?

I'm moving on up, or at least north, from Boston to Toronto and I was wondering if Toronto has anything similar to Boston's Universal Hub. (twitter). The best I can describe UH is that it's curated crowdsourcing - highlighting blog posts, links, pictures about what's going on in the city in a daily slice of life way.

I realize that it's likely there is no equivalent, so any blogs/twitter lists recommendations to get a feel for the various neighborhoods/areas of Toronto/GTA would be great.

I'm not looking for things like blogTO, Torontoist or the Grid that have more of a news/lifestyle approach (what to do/eat with a major headline wrapup). Thanks!
posted by zix to Society & Culture (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
LiveJournal Toronto was helpful for me when I moved there
posted by Melsky at 12:06 PM on July 25, 2011

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