Help me find specific tips for keeping a notebook.
June 12, 2011 7:38 PM   Subscribe

About 6 months ago (Decemberish), I read fantastic tips for keeping a journal/notebook. I've googled like crazy, but can't find it again.

Here's what I remember:
1. It was written as 4 or 5 paragraph length numbered tips.
2. She recommended using it for everything from grocery lists to gluing in photos or mementos, saying that this would make it thick but that was part of the charm.
3. She recommended buying pens you like writing with and using unlined pages so you can draw or generally feel unrestrained.
4. She recommended writing freeform first thing in the morning for several minutes and admitted that she rarely reread these.
5. She mentioned keeping photos waiting to be glued in the notebook's pocket, but pretty sure didn't mention Moleskine specifically.
6. The post had several photos, of pages with a photo glued on and ones with super vibrant drawings.
It seems like this made the Google Reader rounds at the beginning of the year and I'm hoping someone else saw it. Thanks!
posted by elliss to Writing & Language (5 answers total) 119 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: This looks like it might be it - journaling 101: a primer for those who'd like to start a practice for the new year

Very good memory and description!
posted by iconomy at 7:55 PM on June 12, 2011 [24 favorites]

Response by poster: Thank you, iconomy! That's exactly it- I thought I'd remembered enough to find it again, but so amazed and happy you found it.
Eek- askmefi is the best.
posted by elliss at 8:21 PM on June 12, 2011

this is an awesome find to stumble upon on mefi. i have a journal i use for to-do lists, mementos, etc. the idea of "mourning pages" is brilliant. i also find when i am trying to kill time short moments on the train, bus, or in a waiting room help. it's funny to look back on what you wrote in those few minutes leading up to wherever you were going.

thanks for sharing!
posted by melizabeth at 9:35 PM on June 12, 2011

Thank you very much for both the question and the answer - I've noodled around with journals for years but never got far with them, this is really great food for thought.
posted by Happy Dave at 6:43 AM on June 13, 2011

Journalling is the best kept secret for a happy life apparently people who empty their stresses of the day into a daily journal have a healthier outlook
posted by RichMackay at 9:10 PM on June 18, 2011 [1 favorite]

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