Short story about a curmudgeon's home life?
June 4, 2011 1:31 AM

I'm trying to come up with the name of a short story I read eight or ten years ago. It is a first-person narrative of the domestic life of a cynically detached man who lives with his wife and kid.

Not exactly Bukowski-esque, but not entirely dissimilar either. I'd guess it was written in the 60's-80's (maybe 90's). I remember almost nothing else about the story, except that:
- it was the first story in the book, which was all short stories (in varying styles) from the same author, and
- I vaguely remember the last sentence of the story, in which the man takes comfort in the fact that they continue to distill and bottle his favorite whiskey, "...and there is no danger, I am told, of immediate dearth." That's paraphrased, but the last word is definitely dearth. I spent some time searching Google books for variants on the phrase, but no luck.
Anyone happen to know what it is? Thanks in advance!
posted by churl to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Absolutely. Instantly recognized it.
To the health of the answerer!
posted by churl at 11:29 AM on June 4, 2011

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