Student Loans for Foreigners in China?
May 15, 2011 9:11 AM

I'm from the US and I've gotten into a degree seeking program at a university in China. Student loans from the US, whether private or otherwise, are not available. Does anyone know how to get loans for studying in China as a foreign citizen?

I've explored options such as personal loans from banks. These need to be paid w/in 5 years and I'll still be in school at that time. Also called a number of banks in China but have had a tough time getting through.
I have explored the peer-to-peer lending option... those will also need to be paid back w/in 5 years but their interest rates are much more reasonable.
Thanks in advance for your help.
posted by ignorantguru to Education (4 answers total)
Yowch. I know nothing about loans, but scholarship-wise, there are plenty of funds available from the Chinese government. A lot of them are basically available for the asking. What kind of program are you in? If it's undergraduate (or graduate), and you're within a given age range, you've got a pretty good shot at getting funding plus a (minimal) stipend.
posted by bokane at 9:58 AM on May 15, 2011

Yes, look up Chinese government bokane said they pretty much give them to anyone who asks (especially Americans).

Also look for Confucius Institute Scholarships.

(both should have info available online).

chinese students don't take out loans for school (by and large) and I imagine that chinese banks would be confused by a foreign student doing this...try the scholarships.
posted by bearette at 7:46 PM on May 15, 2011

This is an unofficial thread about one of the scholarships that is available, probably the main one. I link the thread rather than the official government website because many of the questions that you have will be answered in this unofficial channel. The official channels will tell you nothing, and even if you contact them, they will not respond. (It's a government agency, so par for the course.)

This year's round has just about concluded--people are starting to get notified.

What kind of program are you doing, and at what level?

I am a scholarship student, also from the US, on a master's degree program in Beijing. You can MeMail me if you like for more info.
posted by so much modern time at 4:06 AM on May 16, 2011

Thanks y'all. I'd already applied for the scholarships, just wanted to know if there were any other options.
It seems like answers for Americans come in around July. I've already been given an offer from a medical school in Beijing (the only one that offers English-medium education.) Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that they participate in the China Scholarship Council program. Luckily, they are part of the Beijing municipal scholarship program, so I might be in luck.
Thanks again!
posted by ignorantguru at 1:37 PM on May 16, 2011

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