Muay Thai Camps in Thailand
May 10, 2005 8:40 AM

I'm thinking of going to Southeast Asia for a couple (3) months at the end of this year, and would like to spend about a month in Thailand, preferably at a kickboxing camp. I'm not into martial arts, it's just something I've always wanted to do. With the myriad of camps/locations available, I'm wondering if anyone has ever done it, and if they have any recommendations. I've already been to Pattaya, so I'm not looking to do the tourist thing. Probably quitting my job to do it, so I'll be on the cheap. Also, most airfares are coming up at around $1000 BOS/BKK. Does this sound like the typical deal or does anyone have any tips on cheaper airfares?
posted by jsavimbi to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total)
I trained here and can recommend it for top notch instruction and friendliness. PM me if you want more details.

Some reports on training in Thailand can be found on this page. (Geocities site)
posted by the cuban at 9:03 AM on May 10, 2005

$1000 BOS > BKK sounds about right; I paid $CDN 1200 for YUL > BKK on my last flight.

I've not been to the cuban's recommended joint but I can say that Ubon is not known as the prettiest town in Thailand...
posted by docgonzo at 9:46 AM on May 10, 2005

"I'm not into martial arts."

If you aren't already training in muay thai, are you at least already in good athletic shape? I've never trained overseas, but I have trained with Thai instructors here in the States. It's a serious workout. If you're not already pretty well conditioned, you may want to start working on that before you go.
posted by tdismukes at 9:47 AM on May 10, 2005

thanks for the info.

I'm in fairly decent athletic shape, for someone who's been tied to a desk for five years, but I'm beginning to train now in earnest.

What I meant as "...not into martial arts" is to differentiate myself between those who see it as a lifestyle and those who want to practice it as an athletic hobby. Trekkies vs. movie-goers, if you will.

Also, looking for more of a dedicated crowd of enthiusiasts versus weekenders. Plus, I haven't had a soapy in 15 years, so maybe I need another. :)
posted by jsavimbi at 10:16 AM on May 10, 2005

I've trained with kru (Thai for master) in Thailand. And there are two kinds. The ones who go easy on you because you're farang (foreigner) or the ones who mix you up with the local boys. If you train with the boys, prepare to have your ass whipped by 12 year olds. I kid you not. No trainer in America or Europe will train you like the real Thai kru. They're fast and furious (to not coin a phrase) and your stance will be different from theirs. My advice is train only with those whom you have first-hand recommendations from.
posted by timyang at 6:43 PM on May 10, 2005

I think that timyang is right -- and I'd be hard pressed to sign up for anything as rigorous as a 3 month stint at a muay thai camp sight unseen. I'd do some research, but I'd reserve any final decision to seeing the training facility / living areas / town / etc. Thai airways magazine has a piece on studying muay thai this month, but I don't have a copy handy. If I see one, I'll post the name of the teacher and his center here in a few days (headed back to thailand week after next).

Thailand is so cheap, and you've got enough time, that I'd recommend coming to thailand with a few ideas of where you'd like to study and to spend a week or 10 days interviewing, checking shit out, and making logistic arrangements. Sorry I cant be of more help in this regard.

I think that $1000 for BOS > BKK RT is reasonable, but I've seen much cheaper. I'd definitely get the sunday NYT or even the Boston Globe Sunday and look in the magazine. There will be a page with all of the tiny "Round the World" airfare brokers. Check with them before buying anything on a travel website (expedia, travelocity, etc.). They have access to many unpublished, consolidator, and promo tickets that, while they're not as flexible, they're cheap as hell. Airtreks (in SF) and Air Gorilla (in TX?) both quoted my 3-month circle asia trip and were good. I wound up using Asia Budget Travel in NYC. (212) 213-9818. Ask for Kevin. You also might try searching this airfares blog.
posted by zpousman at 1:25 AM on May 11, 2005

Ubon is not known as the prettiest town in Thailand

This is true, but the training is good there and that's what matters.

The Sor Vorapin place in BKK is good too - very farang friendly and close to 'soapies' - not that i know what they are :)
posted by the cuban at 3:55 AM on May 11, 2005

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