dye that "ran" a bit---health hazard?
April 25, 2011 2:52 PM   Subscribe

I recently Rit-dyed a silk outfit for a special reception. The dye "ran" a bit at the underarms, staining my undergarment. Is this a health hazard?

Although I rinsed the outfit until the cool water ran clear, apparently my body heat caused the dye to "run" . I had no sores or cuts on my underarms, but I'm wondering if this is a health hazard? I am now rinsing the garment a few times more.
Thanks, metafilter members!
posted by ragtimepiano to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: You're fine. The main health hazard from Rit Dye involves breathing it in, and even that's not a huge concern for a hobbyist. I've dyed things with RIT and splashed my skin many many times, and am, as far as I can tell, unaffected. They make special post-dying detergents.

posted by mollymayhem at 3:04 PM on April 25, 2011 [1 favorite]

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