Good contest sites and Facebook contests that are open internationally (or just to Canadian residents)?
April 16, 2011 10:02 AM   Subscribe

Good contest sites and Facebook contests that are open internationally (or just to Canadian residents)?

For the past while I've been thinking of setting aside an hour a day to enter online contests in hopes that I'll win nice stuff from time to time. I know that the probability of me winning something awesome like a million dollars is unlikely, but I do know that there are some contests out there that are extremely easy to win - contests where good to quite excellent prizes can be won.

Facebook contests are what have inspired me to want to go through with putting more time into entering contests. Last year on Facebook I effortlessly won a nice prize after simply "liking" something in a Facebook group. The prize was very good and the probability of winning it was high since there was hardly anyone in the group (about 1000 users . . . not much at all for a Facebook group). If that prize was so easy to win, there must be loads of other Facebook groups where it's just as easy to win great stuff. I always try seeking out Facebook groups that regularly have contests but, unfortunately, they often aren't open to Canadian residents.

Another thing that has inspired me to want to go through with entering contests is this: I was lucky as hell when I was a kid and would often win any contest I'd enter. Perhaps I'm still lucky?

Some things I'd be interested in winning are the following:

. Books
. Electronics (audio equipment, computers/computer parts, etc.
. Films
. Money (duh - who doesn't want to win this?)

. . . And all sorts of other things - it isn't limited to the above. Anything that has lots of value is obviously a plus.

It's always a thrill to win something. Even if the prize you've won is rather petty, a thrill can still be felt.

Anyway: Thanks. I hope to discover great places to enter contests.
posted by GlassHeart to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The Bright Side Project
posted by neushoorn at 10:07 AM on April 16, 2011

All the TV channels run contests all the time. Also, all the soft drink and candy brands.
posted by Sys Rq at 12:06 PM on April 16, 2011

Entering contests is my "2nd job"...and I'm Canadian :D. There aren't as many contests as in the US that's for sure, but we don't have to pay taxes on any winnings.

My 3 main resources are: - you have to pay but I find it's totally worth it, Contest Girl, and Red Flag Deals.

The "contesting" community is huge, in the past 5 years I've won probably $40k worth of prizes (trips, cash, electronics etc.) but if you can believe it that pales in comparison to so many others. Yeah you get a lot of crappy stuff but I find it all evens out :).

Good luck!!!
posted by BubbleWrap at 12:43 PM on April 16, 2011 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: BubbleWrap: "Entering contests is my "2nd job"...and I'm Canadian :D. There aren't as many contests as in the US that's for sure, but we don't have to pay taxes on any winnings.

My 3 main resources are: - you have to pay but I find it's totally worth it, Contest Girl, and Red Flag Deals.

The "contesting" community is huge, in the past 5 years I've won probably $40k worth of prizes (trips, cash, electronics etc.) but if you can believe it that pales in comparison to so many others. Yeah you get a lot of crappy stuff but I find it all evens out :).

Good luck!!!

Thanks for the recommendations.

$40k?! That's a lot. How much time do you dedicate to entering contests? At least an hour a day, or less?
posted by GlassHeart at 12:50 PM on April 16, 2011

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