what backpack to take and where to go in bahia (northern) brazil?
April 10, 2011 12:13 PM   Subscribe

hi all, i am looking for a quality backpack and cool places to go to in northern brazil. i would appreciate any help.

i am traveling to salvador brazil later this week. i will be preoccupied for five days in morro de sao paulo. afterwards, i would like to backpack in this or any nearby region. i will stay in brazil for an additional twenty days. i have never been backpacking before and i need help choosing a backpack, deciding what to take along, and what places to go to. i am 5'8" in my twenties and in solid health (used to be in the military). i am kinda flying by the seat of my pants, but i figure a little bit of planning would be very helpful. thank you all!
posted by shitalphin to Travel & Transportation around Brazil (6 answers total)
I would advise going to some sort of sporting goods store in your area, trying on every single backpack in your budget, and buying the one that fits you and your needs best. I personally have had good luck with Iron Mountain and Deuter bags, but haven't had bad experiences with other brands either.
posted by naturalog at 12:19 PM on April 10, 2011

When I went backpacking in Europe, I flew by the seat of my pants. My Kelty bag at the time held up without any problems. My current Gregory backpack would also be excellent. The trick is to find a bag that fits as carry-on luggage for a plane and you will be good to go.
posted by Nackt at 12:43 PM on April 10, 2011

Best answer: Inland from Salvador is the Chapada Diamantina (about 5 hours by car or 7 by bus). Lots of hiking and natural beauty.

Another option is to head south down the coast to Porto Seguro (Bahia). It was the first Portuguese settlement in the colonies so there's lots of historical stuff, not to mention natural beauty. It's an overnight bus ride from Salvador. And once you're in Porto Seguro, you're way closer to places like Rio (still over 1000 km away!).

If you head north out of Salvador, I would head up to MaceiĆ³ or even Recife. Again, it's a simple bus ride (or if you're interested in flying, check out Azul--they have some great last minute seat sales!)

Once you're in Salvador, it should be pretty easy to piece together a trip.

As far as what to bring, just know that it's been a pretty long, hot summer. We're all ready for the rain to get here, which means the temps will "drop" to below 30 C. I wouldn't come decked out in raingear unless you want to fly your tourist flag high. Locals just duck under an overhang when the rain comes and wait it out.

Feel free to memail me if you've got some specific questions about Salvador.
posted by wallaby at 12:54 PM on April 10, 2011

Best answer: When you go to a store to try on backpacks, make sure you try on the pack when it's loaded. Better stores will know this, but generic sporting good stores might not. Trying on a backpack with nothing in it does you no good.

Otherwise, just try on as many as you can and see which one feels best. This is not something you want to skimp on.
posted by auto-correct at 1:04 PM on April 10, 2011

When you go to a store to try on backpacks, make sure you try on the pack when it's loaded. Better stores will know this, but generic sporting good stores might not.

This, this, a thousand times this. The REI store I bought my pack from told me to come in with a laundry bag, so we could load up some packs to try them out.
posted by deadmessenger at 1:10 PM on April 10, 2011

Best answer: If you're still in NYC, I got an awesome backpack at Paragon, 18th and Broadway. It was kind of expensive but totally worth it. They have a good selection.
posted by ofthestrait at 1:49 PM on April 10, 2011

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