What do you get when you play A Yellow Submarine backwards to a non-English speaking audience
March 27, 2011 12:13 PM   Subscribe

Every so often in my interweb adventures I find videos or recordings made in a non-English language along with a written transliteration of what the words could sound like in English, which ends up stroop testing the brain into hearing the transliteration. Do you know any examples of the opposite?

Specifically, I'm looking for videos or recordings made in English, with the sounds transliterated into a non-English language for non-anglophone hilarity, and then transliteration that translated back into English so I can understand it.
posted by Blasdelb to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I have seen a similar thing done from English to Spanish (although the last one is French). Since I assume you don't speak Spanish, here's what the phrases mean.

Pinguino Rodgriguez
"Penguin Rodriguez"

Baby, quiero queso roñoso
Baby, I want nasty cheese

Se ha ido al cine
She's gone to the movies

¿Quieres una manzana?
Would you like an apple?

Un chinito pecando
A little chinese man sinning

Te traigo pasta
I bring you pasta

En tu huerto no hay tomates
There are no tomatoes in your garden
posted by O9scar at 12:53 PM on March 27, 2011 [1 favorite]

Best answer: There's a Japanese show called "Tamori Club" which has a segment named "Soramimi Hour." In "Soramimi Hour," they play English songs accompanied by a video depicting what the song sounds like it's saying in Japanese. ("Soramimi" means "mishearing," I guess, but it seems to refer to this kind of linguistic mondegreen most of the time, I think--don't quote me.) Marty Friedman is on the show sometimes. I don't know where any subtitled ones are, alas. Various notes about it and related Japanese videos: Soramimi, More from our friends at Soramimi Hour (there's a bit of translation among the spam comments), Soramimi/Soramimikashi.
posted by wintersweet at 4:42 PM on March 27, 2011

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