Black and white photography in web branding
March 24, 2011 9:00 AM   Subscribe

What are examples of large companies or major brands that use mostly black and white photography on their website?

I'm looking for examples of large companies or major brands that use black and white photography prominently on their website. Examples don't have to be US-based.

Someone told me there are none out there, but I find that very hard to believe.
posted by psycheslamp to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Abercrombie and Fitch. The actual clothing pictures when you get to the "what do I want to buy" pages are in color, but the ad shots (on the main pages and if you click on "casting" are all in black & white).
posted by brainmouse at 9:11 AM on March 24, 2011
posted by mintymike at 9:13 AM on March 24, 2011

Jones Soda!
posted by mkb at 9:19 AM on March 24, 2011

Most of the print advertising for Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey has been black and white over the years. I believe a lot of it has been shot by Mark Tucker, who actually has a Jack Daniel's link on his web site.
posted by imjustsaying at 9:33 AM on March 24, 2011

Rapha (cycling gear) uses a fair bit of black-and-white, but like the Abercrombie and Fitch example, most of the product pages are in colour.
posted by afx237vi at 9:36 AM on March 24, 2011

The Apple "Think Different" ad campaign used black and white photography. Since then Apple has occasionally featured the Think Different slogan and black and white photographs on its website, including as recently as 2005 when Rosa Parks died and 2003 when Gregory Hines died.
posted by jedicus at 9:43 AM on March 24, 2011

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