Whither my perfect jeans?
March 4, 2011 1:11 PM   Subscribe

Where should a short skinny guy buy jeans in Toronto?

I'm a twenty-something, 5'7" and have a 28" waist. I need new jeans, preferably costing less than $120 total. I'd like to avoid extremes (nothing overly baggy, skinny, or distressed) and be fashion-appropriate for as many situations as possible, though I'd lean more towards casual if I had to choose.

I'd like to buy in person if I can, but I'm not completely averse to buying online.

What are my options?
posted by Gin and Comics to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I have exactly the same measurements as you, and I also have trouble finding nice jeans that fit. Recently I've been very lucky at Crossroads Trading and Buffalo Exchange, two used-clothing chains that sort by size (!) and only take fairly high-quality products. Unfortunately it looks like neither of those exist in Toronto, but search for "clothes resale" or "clothes consignment." Even buying new, though, you shouldn't have to pay $120 -- Levi's 514s are around $50 a pair and are right in the baggy-skinny sweet spot, and these American Apparel jeans are $74 -- I got a pair in the "almost black" color for around $25 at Buffalo Exchange, and they're fantastically comfortable while un-jeans-y enough to wear anywhere. (And trust me, if you're a 28" waist they won't look like jeggings).
posted by theodolite at 1:37 PM on March 4, 2011

H&M is generally good for jeans for skinny people, cheap too, and according to the internet there's one in Toronto. I have a 30" waist and have a pair of jeans from that fit me great. You may need to get them hemmed, but you should be able to find something there.
posted by catwash at 3:07 PM on March 4, 2011

Hit up a Levi's store, check out the 514s, 511s, maaaybe 510s (but they're pretty skinny). The one at Yorkdale seems to have more selection than the one in the bottom of the Eaton Centre, but if you go to the Eaton Centre you can also check out a bunch of them at Urban Outfitters across Yonge too. They'll come in around $70-$90 depending on wash, and there's always a lot of good basic washes available.

The great part about finding a Levi's style you like is that it won't disappear on you, so you don't have to play the "what jeans should I get NOW" every time you need a new pair.
posted by mendel at 4:56 PM on March 4, 2011

Check out Sydney's on Queen W. They have the physical manifestation of your denim dreams. Naked and Famous' Weird (or maybe Slim) Guy fit is probably the one for you. I've also heard good things about a line they carry called Them Atelier. Otherwise, I think Nomad (also Queen W) still has some real nice denim on for 60% or 70% off.

It'll be hard to find a pair with a short enough inseam to have little/no break on a shorter guy, so either of these shops should be able to hook you up with a good tailor. If you do get them hemmed, make sure to get it done with an interlock stitch to keep close to the original look.

ps. both of these store sell very high quality jeans that will last you years. plus, Naked & Famous are even made in Montreal!
posted by rrrico at 4:56 PM on March 4, 2011

Check out Over the Rainbow
posted by Lord Force Crater at 5:14 PM on March 4, 2011

Let me give you a piece of advice: Guys should not wear skinny jeans. I know that I'm gonna get a lot of heat for this, but it's true.

Anytime I've been around a group of people and they see a guy in skinny jeans, everyone cringes. It's not a very flattering look for guys. It's just such a feminine way to wear pants...and it should stay that way.
posted by Sweetmag at 7:30 PM on March 5, 2011

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