Apple Airport trouble
April 23, 2005 5:07 AM   Subscribe

I just got a new broadband connection and a new SAGEM modem to go with that. All works fine with my Powerbook when I connect it directly, but I also bought a new Airport Express Base Station that just won't recognise the connection.

It has an Ethernet port and a USB port but all the instructions just refer to the USB port to be utilised for a wireless printer. My modem just has a USB output - there is no way to get an Ethernet connection out of it. What to do? Do I need a new modem? Or is there a way to connect the SAGEM modem via the USB port? The Apple website is of no help nor are the instructions.
posted by keijo to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Your modem needs to hook into the ethrenet port on your airport express. The USB port is only for printers as far as I understand it. If there is a different modem available from your provider (or you can buy a different modem), you should get one with an ethernet port on it.
posted by rglasmann at 6:11 AM on April 23, 2005

Best answer: From Airport Extreme, Airport Express: Uses for the USB Port on Apple Support:

A note on Internet connections
To connect to a broadband modem, such as cable and DSL, use Ethernet. If your broadband Internet service provider uses USB modems, contact them for an alternative solution.

(Just to show that the last two posters are not talking out of their butts!)

posted by bcwinters at 8:52 AM on April 23, 2005

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