Where's a cheap place in Milwaukee to have stitches removed?
February 13, 2011 11:26 AM

Where's a cheap place in Milwaukee to have stitches removed?

My girlfriend has a cut on her leg that got stitched up a week and a half ago. They said to wait 10-14 days to get the stitches out, and it's been 12 days since they were put in. She got the stitches in the emergency room, and they said you could go pretty much anywhere to get them taken out. I was hoping for somewhere on the cheaper end, as she doesn't have insurance. We're in Milwaukee, WI 53212.
posted by Slinga to Health & Fitness (7 answers total)
If it's healed well and no other problems, we usually just take them out ourselves. Tiny scissors + tweezers.
posted by mmf at 11:29 AM on February 13, 2011

It's still in the process of healing, and doesn't look that great, so I'd like a professional to take a look at it. I really don't want to mess with doing it myself.
posted by Slinga at 11:32 AM on February 13, 2011

Any doctor's office or urgent care can do it.
posted by something something at 12:24 PM on February 13, 2011

A doc-in-the-box walk in clinic is probably going to be the cheapest place to go.
posted by COD at 3:30 PM on February 13, 2011

Are either of you UWM students? Go to Norris, that will be the absolute cheapest option.
posted by desjardins at 7:44 AM on February 14, 2011

I'm an EMT in an ER, we take them out free (if they were done here.) It gives us a chance to peek for problems and it's good customer service. I'm really surprised your ER doesn't offer the same service. So if I can ask a dumb question- Have you just called them & asked if they do it free? (Making sure they know you had them put in there.)

Otherwise I second the do-it-yourself option, however if you truly feel hers is inflamed/infected then I'd forget the cheap removal for now and get someone to look at it.

If it were me looking at it, I'd put a thin coat of triple antibiotic ointment (bacitracin) down the stitched wound and give it a little more time. If that helps, then all I'd need was stitch removal. If it didn't help, then I'd know it was time for a professional to see it.

Good Luck.
posted by MansRiot at 12:11 PM on February 14, 2011

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